Board meeting minutes are archived to pages grouped by year.
The meeting of the Tri-Cities Alano Club Board of Directors was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Present: Steve, Dave, Kathy, Kerry, April, Joan, Ken, Kevin, Cathy C., Tony, Tim.
Absent with notice: Patrick
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Kerry: $3,563.61 in checking and $15,008.67 in savings.
*Cost to run the building is approximately $1000.00 per month.
*One large expense is the phone, used only for incoming calls. ATT is the provider and charges us $364.00 per month as it is billed as a business phone. Kerry will check with ATT and ask for a better rate, pleading our non-profit status. She will also explore other providers if necessary.
*Accounting is another large expense at $200.00 per month. Kerry will explore and see if there might be a better option with another accountant.
*It was decided that we should appeal to our membership for revenue via Zoom meetings, email and through the website, explaining what our needs are. Steve will write the appeal for board approval, then post on the website.
*Kevin suggested setting up a Zelle account, making it an easy way to donate.
*Discussion followed regarding how rent from the various meetings is collected and the problem of not getting much rent because there haven’t been many meetings and attendance is low.
*It was decided to table the meeting rent discussion until next month. Treasurer’s report was accepted.
BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Nothing to report.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Nothing to report.
EXECUTIVE: Nothing to report.
OLD BUSINESS: Nothing to report
NEW BUSINESS: Dave: There still are no Big Books in the Literature cabinet. Kathy H. will check with Karen, get an update, and make sure she has the code for getting into the club. April pointed out that is the responsibility of each meeting to furnish their own literature.
*Tony requested an agenda prior to each board meeting. Steve asked for board members to submit issues to him to be included on the agenda.
*Steve suggested that the website include ONLY the meetings that are active at this time. Those meetings are 7:30, noon and 4:00. Members agreed that this is a good idea.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Hamm, Secretary
The meeting of the Tri-Cities Alano Club Board of Directors was called to order by Steve G. at 6:00 p.m. Present: Steve, Joan, David, April, Tony, Kerry, Kathy H., Kevin.
Absent with notice: Ken, Tim.
Absent without notice: Patrick, Cathy C.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT (Kerry): We have $3,955.75 in the checking account. A current statement from the accountant was not available. Report was tabled until next month’s meeting.
DISCUSSION: Regarding the Covid pandemic and closing of the club:
* A member from the noon meeting tested positive for Covid. David reports our contact tracing procedures were implemented and effective. Steve notified the Ottawa County Health Department.
* Restrictions will be in place for 3 weeks, starting Wednesday, November 18, ending Dec. 9. The board voted to close the club and reassess at the end of three weeks.
* Signage will be placed on the doors to the club announcing the closing and directing people to the TCAC website for further information.
* Steve reports that there have been a number of inquiries on the website from people requesting help and information. Members of the board will make every effort to find the available Zoom meetings and pass them on to Steve for posting to the website. Consensus is that the website is the best tool we have to serve our population at this time.
Cleanup of leaves and grounds was done by board members. A special thanks to Tony for the prep work.
Tony did a temporary patch to the asphalt in the back of the club. Driveway issues will be addressed in the Spring.
Damage to the Women’s restroom ceiling has been inspected and will be addressed in the Spring.
Issues with the handicap access door have been resolved.
Building and grounds: Tony, Ken, Kevin.
PR: April, Kathy.
Membership: April, Steve, Kathy.
Supplies: April, Ken.
Executive: Steve, Dave, Kathy H., Kerry
Special Events: April, Kathy, Kerry, Joan, Ken.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy H., Secretary
The meeting of the Tri-Cities Alano Club Board of Directors was called to order by Steve G. at 6:00 p.m. Attendance was recorded: Steve, Dave, Kerry, Joan, April, Ken, Tim and Kathy. Quorum established. Absent with notice: Tony, Kevin, Patrick, Cathy
The Board has resolved that State of Michigan and Ottawa County Public Health Department mandates pertaining to public gatherings will be observed in the following ways that would apply specifically to our Club, including:
1. Face masks will be worn by all persons in the building at all times.
2. A maximum of 20 people will be allowed in the main room for regular meetings and a maximum of four people in the back room for sponsor or newcomer meetings.
3. Before the Club re-opens, extra chairs will be removed from the building and the remaining chairs will be numbered for purposes of contract tracing and placed to observe social distancing of six feet.
4. Attendance will be taken and information will be logged for contact tracing as detailed below.
5. To prevent the need for removing face masks, the coffee machine will be disabled and outside beverages will not be permitted in the Club.
Discussion followed on how to implement these requirements:
Face masks: The Club will provide face masks to be used by those who are unaware of the policy (such as newcomers) or those who forget to bring masks. Each meeting should eventually supply their own masks. It is the Board’s intent that no one shall be turned away from a meeting for not wearing a mask, but is willing to do so.
Contact tracing: Each meeting chairperson will be responsible for logging attendance. The Chairperson (or a designated volunteer) will greet attendees at the door, inform each person of the face mask policy, log their first name and phone number, and assign them to a numbered seat. The log must be dated and identified by group meeting name or day/time. The chairperson is required to keep the logs for at least 21 days.
Notification: All information regarding meeting requirements and restrictions will be posted on the TCAC website (, emailed to members, posted on exterior doors, inside the building, and read by the chairperson at the beginning of each meeting.
Facility cleaning: The Club has renewed its contract for cleaning services on a daily basis, including disinfecting bathrooms, tables and other common surfaces. In addition, the Chairperson shall ask each member to clean his or her space at the close of the meeting with disinfecting solution and wipes provided by the Club.
Donations: Donations will be collected by one person walking the basket around the room, rather than passing the basket. Protective gloves will be provided by the Club for this purpose including counting and handling donations.
Entry door: The idea of using only one door for entry/exit was discussed but found not feasible due to fire code and handicap accessibility laws.
Enforcement: Individuals visiting the Club who do not observe these restrictions will be subject to the following consequences:
Each meeting group will be responsible for the actions of its own attendees. Group conscience adoption of these meeting restrictions includes enforcement of all rules, as follows:
1. First occurrence of an individual not observing these restrictions would result in a verbal warning from the chairperson and a request for compliance.
2. Second occurrence of an individual not observing these restrictions would result in the person being banned from the Club for one week.
3. Third occurrence of an individual not observing these restrictions will be referred to the Board for further disciplinary actions as specified in the Bylaws with actions including temporary or permanent banning from Club premises.
Length of restrictions: These rules will remain in effect until restrictions that apply to our type of facility are lifted by the State of Michigan and Ottawa County Public Health Departments.
A motion to adopt the requirements, restrictions and consequences as discussed was moved and seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The date to re-open the building is scheduled for Nov. 2, 2020 precluding any public health code changes or violations which would prevent the Club from opening.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Kathy H.
The meeting of the Tri-Cities Alano Club Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. October 20, 2020 with Steve G. presiding.
Attendance was taken: Present: Steve G., Tim A., Kerry M., Tony D., David J., April A., Joan R., Kathy H., Cathy C., Devin VS, Ken N., Patrick L. New board members were introduced and welcomed.
Following nominations, officers were elected as follows:
It was decided that committee assignments would be tabled to a later date as the most pressing issue was how and when to reopen the Club for regular meetings. No motions were voted on, however discussion summaries follow:
* Postings on the doors are needed to explain regulations for attendance.
* Capacity limits: 20 people in the main room; five in the back room.
* To comply with State and health department mandates regarding face masks, those refusing to wear a mask will be asked to leave.
* Kerry suggested posting a greeter at the door.
* Dave suggested we offer masks at the door. Each meeting would supply masks.
* Kevin suggested that we remove extra chairs, leaving only the maximum allowed to comply with safe-distancing.
* Patrick suggested we not allow coffee or beverages in the building, eliminating the need
to remove masks.
* Each meeting will be held accountable for enforcing rules.
It was agreed that the Board needed more time to research and finalize rules and procedures to enable the Club re-opening. All directors agreed that we want to see the Club re-open as soon as it is safe to do so. The next meeting will be scheduled based on director availability within the next ten days and minutes will be posted as soon as possible.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy H.
The special election meeting Oct. 17, 2020 was attended by five Board members and three Club members. Due to State of Michigan and Ottawa County Public Health Department mandates, face mask-wearing, social distancing, and room occupancy limits (10 people) were observed.
After nominations and ballot voting were closed, three non-candidate members volunteered to tally the ballots. The results are as follows:
Elected to 3-year terms:
April A.
Cathy C.
Joan R.
Kerry M.
Elected to 2-year terms
Tony D
Kevin VS
Elected to 1-year terms
Tim A
David J
Alternates may be installed on the Board to fill vacant positions if they occur before the next election. Vote tallies determine the order:
Fred W
Steve Z
Ron M
Vicki M
Eric G
Jason M
Phil G
Robert B