Board meeting minutes are archived to pages grouped by year.
The Zoom meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 6:00 P.M.
In attendance: Steve, Dave, Kerry, April, Kathy, Cathy, Joan, Ken, Tony, Tim, Kevin
Absent without notice: Patrick
Kathy H. submitted minutes from the December 2020 meeting which were approved.
Kerry reported that we have $6,029.66 in the General Fund and $15,007.12 in savings.
Income included $1,868.31 from our recent fundraising appeal and $450 in new or renewed memberships. We also received $1,740 in honor of member Allan (Al) Plantenga Sr. who passed away Christmas night.
Kerry worked with AT&T to get our phone bill reduced due to our non-profit status. The bill for January was $16.00 due to a credit. Phone service will be about $70 per month going forward.
There was discussion regarding the cost of our bookkeeping service and it was decided that our provider, Carol Takas, offers excellent work at a good value. We will continue with her services.
Tony will see if he can fix the problem with the ceiling in the women’s restroom.
April reported that we have 25-30 paid memberships for 2021 so far.
1: We discussed our history of receiving donations from meetings for use of the facility. As it stands, each autonomous meeting group sets their own amount. In the past this has worked well and it was decided to not make any changes at this time. Kathy suggested that a “blanket” thank-you be sent to those on the email list for their support during our recent appeal. April will take care of that.
2: Some people have notified us that when they came for a meeting the door was locked. April pointed out that there are four phone numbers listed on the door in case a person can’t get in. They can call any of them and get the pass code. There are designated people who are responsible for opening the Eye Opener and noon meeting. David J. will take responsibility for the 4:00 meeting. This will give us 3 daily AA meetings plus one Al Anon meeting on Saturdays at 10 a.m.
There was a report of a member bringing a pet into the building during meetings. Club guidelines state that pets may not be brought into the club. This was pointed out to the member and he eventually complied. Cathy pointed out that this is another insurance liability. Debate followed about changing the “no pets” guideline to a rule. It was agreed that board members will study the rules/guidelines and continue discussion at the February meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy H., Secretary
NOTE: Prior meeting minutes have been archived to dedicated pages by year.
The Zoom meeting was called to order by President Steve G. at 6:02 P.M.
PRESENT: Steve, Tony, Tim, Dave, Joan, Kerry, Kathy, Ken, KevinABSENT WITH NOTICE: CathyABSENT
WITHOUT NOTICE: Patrick, April
SECRETARY’S REPORTMinutes of Jan. 19, 2021 meeting were accepted as submitted by Kathy.
TREASURER’S REPORT · Kerry reported as of 1/31/2021: $6,337.14 checking and $15,009.17 savings.
· Kerry suggested transfer of $2,500 to prudent reserve (savings}. Approved.
· Total income: $4,076.81 which includes group and individual donations, membership dues and donations in memory of member Al P.
· Total expenses: $1,518.57
· Net income: $2,558.24
Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.
BUILDING AND GROUNDS· Tony has replaced the defective lock box at the front door. Contact phone numbers are posted on the front door for member access if needed on a one-time basis or for emergency access. Otherwise, the club policy on access keys remains in effect.
· Tony contacted the snow removal provider about sidewalk shoveling, but he declined. Tony made some inquiries to find another provider for hire but no one has responded yet. After board discussion about how this duty was performed in the past, it was decided to request meeting attendees to perform this service as needed on a volunteer basis. Shovels and salt are available at the club.
Committee report was accepted as submitted.
Nothing to report
A letter received through our website from a member was discussed. The member objected to meeting restrictions at the club during the pandemic such as safe distancing, mask-wearing, contact tracing logging, etc. After discussion, the Board agreed to continue to follow Health Department guidelines regarding meeting restrictions until the guidelines are updated. · Following last month’s discussion, the board agreed that the existing club guideline restricting pets inside during meetings will continue to be observed.
The board agreed to discuss a memorial of some kind to honor Al P. Joan will check with Martha for ideas. Discussion was tabled to next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:42 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,Kathy H., Secretary
CALL TO ORDER 6:02 p.m.
PRESENT: Steve, Tony, April, Dave, Joan, Kevin, Ken, Kerry. (Quorum)
ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Cathy C. (difficulty connecting to Zoom call)
Additions to Agenda – none. Agenda approved.
· Minutes of February 16, 2021 meeting were emailed to directors and published on TCAC website. No corrections or changes were noted.
Motion to accept Secretary’s report as submitted. Approved.
Kerry reported that as of Feb. 28, 2021:
· Checking: $5,524.24
· Savings: $17,509.42
· Total income: $2,489.75
· Total expenses: $802.40
· Net income: $1,687.35
Motion to accept Treasurer’s report as submitted. Approved.
Tony reported:
· Inspected and made minor repairs to the handicap ramp and reported that additional repairs and painting will be needed, but not immediately necessary to keep the ramp safe.
· Inspected women’s restroom ceiling for additional leak damage, which was not apparent. Repairs are scheduled to be made in the next few months.
· Driveway repair that he did last fall is holding up well. Will continue to monitor.
· Defibrillator on wall near handicapped entrance needs to be inspected to make sure it remains functional. Steve suggested to call for volunteers from each meeting to learn the basics of operation. April volunteered to make copies of the basic instructions and have available for hand-out at each meeting.
Motion to accept Building and Grounds report as submitted. Approved.
Nothing to report.
· Memorial to honor Al P., discussion continued from last month’s meeting. Joan reported that she has been in contact with Martha for ideas on how to honor Al. Still under consideration. Various suggestions were discussed by the board. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
· Motion to go into closed session for confidential discussion. Approved.
· Return to open session. Discussion of replacing a director due to excessive meeting absences without notice, per our bylaws. Board agreed to seek a replacement from the runners-up from last year’s election. Top vote-getter will be contacted to confirm interest in serving on the board. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
· Steve will provide all board members with a copy of the bylaws.
· Discussion of when to schedule next Annual Meeting. The board reached tentative agreement on October 2021, date to be determined. This presumes that the current public gathering restrictions will be lifted and that greater voting participation from the membership can be expected. Until then, directors whose term expires in 2021 will be considered active and current until October. Replacement directors will be elected at that time to a term of six months, until April 2022, when we will return to our regular annual meeting schedule.
· Changes to public gathering restrictions that affect the club. Recent state guidelines on public gatherings have been eased to allow for up to 25 people at indoor locations. The board agreed to increase meeting capacity in the big room to 25 and keep the back room capacity at 4. Kevin volunteered to arrange for returning five chairs from storage.
· Discussion of adding new A.A. meetings to website and posted to front door. Steve suggested that the decision be tabled until next meeting to confirm commitment(s) from meeting-openers and to further confirm that meetings will be held as scheduled.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:47 p.m.
Notes taken by Steve G., President
Meeting was called to order by Steve G. at 6:03 P.M.
PRESENT: Steve, Dave, Kathy H., Kerry, April, Joan, Ken, Cathy C., Tony, Tim, Fred. (Quorum)
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Meeting minutes from March. Approved as submitted.
March 2021 Financial statements:
Checking: $5,181.00
Savings: $17,509.00
Total income: $1,897.55
Total expenses: $2,239.52
Net income: -$341.97
Motion to accept Treasurer’s report as submitted. Approved.
BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Nothing to report.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Kathy H. Will contact the Tribune about putting our current meetings on the Community Calendar as we have done in the past. She will ask the Tribune if it would be possible to use that venue to guide readers to our Website.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The installed defibrillator needs to be checked to make sure the batteries are working. Fred reports that batteries and pads should be replaced annually. We also need to have people trained in its use. Board members that volunteered to get trained are Cathy, Steve, Joan, Kerry and Fred. Fred will contact the Red Cross about a training session. All board members were asked to solicit more volunteers from the membership at large.
Discussion of a memorial for Al P. was discussed with new suggestions. Joan will discuss further with Martha.
Fred W. was welcomed as the newest member to the Board. Committee assignments for him were tabled until next meeting.
Our annual meeting usually scheduled in April has been cancelled due to Covid restrictions. Board agrees to schedule it this year for the third Saturday in October (16th) and elections will be held. Those elected will serve for 6 months. We will revert to our regular annual meeting and election schedule in April 2022.
There have been requests for the coffee maker to be put back into use. Board agrees we can resume coffee service. April will handle that.
Board discussed and agreed to publicizing our newest AA meeting, 6 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
Closed session to discuss confidential member issue.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:01 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy H, Secretary.
Meeting was called to order by Steve G. at 6:04 p.m.
PRESENT: Steve, Dave, Kathy H., Cathy C., April, Joan, Tony, Kevin, Ken, Kerry, Tim
TREASURER’S REPORT: $5,412.35 in checking, $17,510.01 in savings.
Collections were $1,054.00 and expenses were $1,224.06 for a net income of $230.67.
DEFIBRILLATOR: Battery is on order. We will see if any members want to join a training session after batteries are installed. Date to be determined.
SPRING CLEANUP: Tabled until June. April will make a list of chores to be done.
Meetings have been listed in the Tribune under the Community Calendar. Joan will contact them to add Saturday Al Anon meeting.
TRIBUTE TO AL P: Joan spoke with Martha. Ideas discussed included a bench in his honor. Dave pointed out that it needs to be cement. Tabled until June so we can determine an appropriate site.
ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING/ELECTIONS: Will be held October 16. Notification to the members will be given 30 days in advance. It will be posted on the Website and April will send via email.
COVID UPDATE: According to the Ottawa County Health Department, vaccinated persons no longer need to wear masks. We will continue to follow Health Department guidelines.
SPEAKER MEETINGS: April will inform new board member who said he would be responsible for managing the speaker meetings. Tentative day/time will be Sundays at 7:00 p.m. Joan will notify the Tribune.
PICNIC: Kathy H. Will contact Spring Lake Township to find out if shelters are available.
WIFI FOR THE CLUB: A member requested that we look into adding WIFI to the Club. Kerry will inquire with ATT. Discussion followed about the need for it. Discussion tabled until June meeting.
INSURANCE: $450.00 premium coming due. Board rejected an option that would include coverage for terrorism.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Future board meetings will be held in person at the Club as of June.
RESIGNATION: Tony has submitted his resignation for personal reasons. The board accepted with deep regret. April will contact Steve Z. who is next in line to serve.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy H., Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Steve G. at 6:05 P.M.
PRESENT: Steve G., David, Kathy H., Kerry, April, Joan, Ken, Kevin, Cathy C., Tim, Steve Z.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from May 18, 2021 meeting read and approved.
Checking account; $3,931.65.
Savings account; $17,510.31.
Income for May; $1,411.80.
Expenditures for May; $2,892.20
Net income for May; (-$1,480.40)
Exterior cleanup is almost completed. Porches still need to be painted. April will do the inside except for painting the doors.
The door locks and gaining entry to the building have continued to be a problem. Several options were discussed:
1: Purchase a computer door lock system that can be handled remotely.
2: Leave the building open from first meeting until end of the last meeting each day.
3: Use a keypad as a keyless option.
Each option has benefits and drawbacks. A committee consisting of April, Dave and Steve Z. will meet and study all options. They will bring a recommendation to the July meeting. Kerry will check with the insurance company regarding liability factors.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Joan reports that the Sunday Speaker Meeting is being published in the Tribune. These meeting will start July 4 according to Steve Z.
Memorials for those that have passed on has been dropped. It is not in the spirit of the Club to focus on one person when many have contributed in many ways.
The annual picnic is scheduled for August 14 at Rycenga Park in our traditional pavilion. The Special Events committee will meet and do the planning.
Kerry received notice that our bank is adding new charges. She will inquire about our non-profit status and see if they can be waived, and what exact criteria need to be met for doing so.
Covid restrictions will be lifted July 1.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy H., Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Steve G. At 6:00 P.M.
PRESENT: Steve G., David, Kathy H., April, Joan, Ken, Cathy C., Tim, Fred ABSENT WITH NOTICE: KERRY, STEVE Z., KEVIN
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Read and approved.
Checking: $3,961.20
Savings: $17,510.60
Income: $1,688.27
Expenses: $1,658.43
Net Income: $29.84
The cement “stops” at the rear of the building are down in the ditch. April will get
volunteers to reset them. Driveway is crumbling. Fred will get estimates to repair or replace.
There has been a complaint that not all meetings are listed in the Tribune. Board concludes that all meetings are listed except 8:00, which has not been activated.
The committee to study the door lock situation presented a Point Paper assessing the various options and risk factors. Its recommendation is to leave the doors open from the beginning of the first meeting to the end of the last meeting of the day. Board unanimously agreed.
Spring clean-up is done. April has a volunteer to paint the inside of the doors. April will contact the Picnic Committee to assign tasks prior to the event.
A member has requested that we have signage for the Serenity Prayer put up in the front room. Ron O. will be contacted to do this work and find an appropriate place for it.
Ken has furnished the club with a new spot cleaner for the carpeting. THANK YOU Ken!
The picnic table in the back is in poor condition and unsafe. Ken will research finding a replacement.
Meeting adjourned at 6:44 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted, Kathy H., Secretary
Meeting was called to order at 6:05 by Dave J., in the absence of Steve G.
PRESENT: Dave J., April. Kathy H., Fred, Joan, Kerry, Steve Z., Kevin
ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Tim, Ken, Steve G., Cathy C.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Read and approved.
Checking Account: $4078.41
Savings Account: $17,510.75
Income: $1719.09
Expenses: $901.73
Net Income:$817.36
The driveway continuers to develop sinkholes. April will ask Kevin D. To check for possible leaks in our sewer line. Fred got a quote to fix (not replace) the drive. Amount: $1,900.00. Work would not be done until next spring and the quote would remain the same until that time. Fred will check with the city on their timeline to install new sewer lines on our block.
Kerry volunteered to paint the doors. April will assist.
The picnic was a great success and was well attended. Thanks to April and committee.
There has been an issue with the lack of attendance at the 6:00 meeting and therefore there is no one to lock up. Dave looked into remote locks which require internet at the club. Issue was tabled until next month. Kathy H. will contact 6:00 people and try to get members to commit to taking a meeting a week.
We discussed reinstating the Gratitude Dinner. The board felt that if the Club is open, we should go forward with it. Date to be determined and will be October 2 or 9. Fred will research getting a tent, tables and chairs.
Respectfully Submitted, Kathy H., Secretary
Meeting was called to order by President Steve G. At 6:00.
PRESENT: Kerry, Cathy C., Tim, Joan, Ken, Dave, Steve Z., Fred, Steve G., Kathy H.
Read and accepted as written.
CHECKING: $4542.85
SAVINGS: $17,511.05
INCOME: $1,899.47
EXPENSES: $2,134.73
NET INCOME: ($235.26)
The picnic table and ash can have been replaced.
Driveway: Fred reported that the city will not be replacing the sewer lines on our block for another 5-7 years. We will accept the $1,900 bid to repair the drive next Spring. Sinkholes continue to be a problem. Kevin is to examine and try to find the cause.
• The front door key pad is working okay. It needs to be reset after each use.
• Painting is in progress and will be finished soon.
• The columns on the front porch are deteriorating and may need to be replaced. Fred will ask Peter to inspect and do the work.
• The ceiling in the woman’s bathroom is damaged. We will have Peter do that repair also.
• The new Serenity Prayer sign was discussed. Tim will confer with Ron as to size and placement.
• The Gratitude dinner will be held on October 9th. The board voted to order extra food, planning on about 200 attendees. Tent, tables and chairs have been ordered.
• The annual meeting will be held October 16. April is in charge of ballots, including absentee.
• A board member asked if it would be possible to host an NA meeting at the Club. Bylaws state that we host only AA, Alanon and Alateen. All NA people are welome to attend these meetings.
• A member offered to donate a vehicle to the Club. Offer was declined, based on the 7th tradition.
• Fred suggested we look into changing coffee and cup sources. Board will continue using the same coffee due to budgetary constraints, but agreed to switch to biodegradable cups. April will be notified.
Kathy H. will contact the Tribune and ask to make the following changes to the Community Calendar: A) Add the Saturday noon meeting. B) List the 6:00 meeting for Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. C) List the Sunday speaker meeting as open to the public. Steve G. will make the same corrections on the website.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Kathy H., Secretary
1. Call to Order: Attendance, Approval of Agenda
Club members present: 6
Kerry taking minutes for Kathy H.
2. Secretary’s report
Report accepted.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Kerry reported the following financial totals for the previous 12 months.
Report accepted.
4. Building and Grounds
Report accepted
5. Special Events
Report accepted.
6. Speaker Meetings
7. Unfinished Business
8. Voting
After vote tally, results were announced (all terms 2 ½ years)
Dave: 17
Steve G: 20
Vince: 14
Fred: 14
Joan 1 (write-in however she is already on the board)
The Board wishes to thank Tim for his service as he steps down. The Board congratulates returning directors Dave, Steve, and Fred and welcomes Vince as our newest director.
Next regular Board meeting Oct. 19, 2021.
Next annual meeting April 16, 2022 (returning to regular meeting schedule per bylaws).
Meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kerry, acting secretary
Meeting was called to order by Steve G. at 6:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Steve G., Steve Z., Kerry, Joan, Kevin, April, Dave, Fred, Ken, Vince
ABSENT with notice: Kathy H, Cathy C
Previous month's minutes read and approved
Checking: $ 2,071.56
Savings: $ 17,511.05
Income for September: $ 1,785.57
Expenses for September: $ 4,256.86
Net income for September: $ -2,471.29
Report approved.
1. Bill Z and Johnny S. say there may be leaks from roof. We will let Bill look for leak and see what needs to be done with fixing the ceiling.
2. Front porch rails are rotten and need replacing. Would like to use composite. Rails cost no more than $2,500 (estimate). We will table decision until Spring.
3. Move picnic table back to the other corner after the meeting. Lug nuts were taken out of the new cigarette butt can after the picnic.
1. April: Membership folder is updated. We have 121 paid members.
2. Joan will make sure meetings list is correct in the Tribune for M, W, F, and S.
1. April will talk to Ron about the Serenity Prayer sign and where to put it.
2. New cups were too hot to use without sleeves. Dave will look for 10 or 12 oz cups that are thicker and can be held without sleeves.
SPECIAL EVENTS: April, Kerry, Joan, Ken, Cathy C,
BUILDING & GROUNDS: Steve Z, Fred, Kevin, Vince, Ken
MEMBERSHIP: April, Steve G, Kerry
SUPPLIES: April, Ken, Kerry
Meeting Adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerry, Treasurer (Acting Secretary)
Meeting called to order – 6:03 p.m. Steve G.
April A., Steve G., Cathy C., Kathy H., Steve Z., Vince D., Kerry M., Fred W., Joan R.,
Absent with notice: Kevin V., Ken N.
Absent without notice: David J.
Secretary’s minutes – October 19, 2021 Kerry/Joan
…read and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report Kerry
Checking Account $ 2,176.00
Savings Account $ 17,511.63
Income $ 1,603.50
Expenses $ 1,737.66
Net Income $ 104.74
…read and unanimously approved.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Kevin, Vince
• Installation of the Serenity Prayer…April will contact Ron/Yvonne to get a completion date.
• Environmentally friendly coffee cup issue…further discussion…ideas were presented and a decision was made to determine weekly/monthly usage and weigh the potential cost increase of our cup choice as we eliminate the cups we’re currently using.
• The ceiling in the women’s bathroom has been totally and beautifully restored…there was a roof leak that has been repaired…thank you David Z. and Johnny S.
• A commercial Bissell carpet spot cleaner was anonymously donated to the club ($460).
• April mentioned cleaning the front room carpeting before winter. Suggestion to use the new spot cleaner…April will test it out on the backroom carpet…decision will have to be made on using a commercial carpet cleaning service or hiring her or others to clean the carpet in the front room. She suggested using meeting attendees for these and other projects as part of fulfilling their court ordered community service requirements.
April suggested that, in the interest of being a good neighbor in our community, we rake and/or blow the fallen leaves. Discussion on an appropriate time for this…Fred suggested immediately following the Eye Opener meeting Saturday morning. Consensus to mention at prior meetings and have a raking ‘party’ immediately following the meeting on Saturday morning. Kerry to request Carol M. to email Al-Anon meeting attendees to invite them to participate (bringing their own rakes) before the Saturday, 10:00 a.m. meeting – November 20, 2021. Thank you, April.
• Vince suggested investigating options for installing an air filtering system. Ideas and suggestions to be presented at our next board meeting.
• Our driveway sinkhole issue was discussed. The resurfacing of the driveway is scheduled for spring 2022. It’s possible that may correct the issue…if not, other solutions will be sought.
• The six month sewer cleaning schedule has eliminated need for concern around the potential sewer issue at this time.
Public Relations April, Steve G., Steve Z., Kathy H.
• Current membership 121+
Memberships will continue to be promoted.
• Community Calendar in the Grand Haven Tribune, Joan will check and report back in December. M, W, F, S – 6:00 p.m. AA meetings.
Unfinished business
All board members now have committee assignments.
New Business
• New complaint of members bringing dogs into the building. This is in violation of our guidelines. Emotional therapy dogs do not qualify under Michigan law…other service dogs may be allowed under special circumstances with certification. If this issue continues, consideration will be taken to change this guideline into a club rule. Whenever possible these issues are to be resolved at the respective meetings.
• Updated By-Laws. April provided each board member with a copy of the by-laws updated by Greg R. in 2016. Cathy to inquire whether or not they have been officially registered. She will report back at our December meeting.
• April wondered if the club would/could be having a chili/soup cook-off in February. In light of the current COVID situation we can further discuss this possible event.
• April has been noticing that coffee and sugar packets have been disappearing from the club in record amounts. Discussion of solutions…video camera? It was decided that she monitor to pin point if there is a specific time this might be happening. Mentioning at meetings that missing coffee is being noticed might curtail it…further discussion in December.
Meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan R., Secretary
Meeting called to order – 6:03 p.m. Steve G, President
April A., Steve G., Cathy C., Kathy H., Steve Z., Kerry M., Joan R., Dave J., Kevin V.,
Absent w/notice: Ken N., Fred W.,
Absent w/o notice: Vince D.
Secretary’s Report: Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from November 16, 2021
Meeting minutes read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report Kerry M., Treasurer
Financial Report
Checking $ 3,650.75
Savings $17,511.91
December Year to date
Income $ 2,542.64 $ 22,808.64
Expense $ 1,067.89 $ 20,434.05
Net Income $ 1,475.03 $ 2,374.59
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Kevin, Vince
Installation of the Serenity Prayer…April to follow up with Ron O. for a completion date.
Environmentally friendly coffee cup issue…unresolved…biodegradable and/or recyclable options presented are currently cost prohibitive. Possible solutions will continue to be explored.
Front room carpet cleaning…new Bissell cleaner will be tested and a determination will be made to use that or hire a commercial carpet cleaning company. Effort will be made to complete the carpet cleaning before winter weather. Thank you, April.
The leaf raking project was completed. Thanks to all who participated.
Air filtering system... Vince emailed board members one possible option. Board to discuss this option and others at our scheduled January 2022 meeting.
Public Relations April, Steve, Steve, Kathy
Current membership – Approximately 145+
Memberships will continue to be promoted.
Community Calendar – Grand Haven Tribune
The Tribune was contacted and it is confirmed that the M, W, F, S. 6:00 p.m. meeting has been listed. Once attendance is consistent at the Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 time slot the Tribune, as well as our website, will be updated.
TCAC by-laws updated in 2016…Cathy is in the process of verifying if they have been registered with the State of Michigan. Thank you Cathy.
Chili/Soup Cook Off event…. To be revisited in early 2022.
Coffee…April confirms that the coffee, sugar and creamer supplies are still disappearing. Monitoring will continue…Possible solutions include rationing the amount available, pinpointing those responsible; and as a last resort, delegating the purchase of coffee to the individual meetings. An announcement will be read at every meeting for the next two to three weeks. It is our hope that this issue will resolve itself and further action need not be necessary. Coffee is a substantial club expense - $1,000/$1,200 annually.
Replenishment of our prudent reserve to offset the new furnace expense. Kerry reports she has received donations earmarked specifically for the furnace replacement from generous members.
We discussed that it would be advantageous to schedule annual furnace ‘check ups’ … Fred will follow up and report in January…Does the heating contractor provide annual service contracts?
Steve Z. brought a question from a member asking if there were service opportunities for those required to fulfill court or probation orders. Following a discussion Steve will respond saying opportunities are not available at this time but may be available seasonally.
Member request to extend open club hours for a “continuous meeting’ between midnight Christmas Eve through midnight Christmas Day…
Board discussion: Due to our insurance liability policy, which prohibits an open building without a member present, this request was denied.
In the future the board will consider such a request with sufficient written notice.
Meeting adjourned: 7:11 p.m. Steve G.
Respectfully submitted:
Joan R., Secretary
Copyright © 2024 Tri-Cities Alano Club - All Rights Reserved