Board meeting minutes are archived to pages grouped by year.
Meeting called to order: 6:00 p.m. by Steve G.
Steve G., President; David J., Vice-President
Roll Call: All board members present.
Steve G., Dave J., Kerry M., Joan R., April, Steve Z., Chad, Greg, Fred, Cathy, Ken, Vince
Secretary’s Report:
Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from November 15, 2022
Secretary’s Minutes read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: November 2022 Kerry M., Treasurer
Checking $ 6,702.60
Savings $ 6,338.75
Total $ 13,041.35
Contributions $ 4,535.84
Expense $ 1,698.83
Net $ 2,837.01
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
A review of annual reports 2017-2019 will be requested from our accountant.
This will be used for review and budget planning purposes.
Committee Reports
Building and Grounds: Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Vince, Chad, Greg
Supplies and expenses – $300 monthly allowance approved for miscellaneous items needed to maintain the building…light bulbs, batteries, etc.
Audio microphone loop system: $3,100 private donations for this purpose.
Vince will schedule the six hour installation.
Meetings held during that time will ask to adjourn to the back room for that one day.
Annual furnace check and filter replacement has been completed.
Public Relations/Membership: April, Steve G., Kerry
Current membership – 2023 - 106
Special Events April, Joan, Ken, Kerry, Cathy
A Chili cook-off was approved for mid-February 2023….
Flyer with more details to follow.
Some members have asked if they could use the building for a New Year’s Eve gathering.
If members want to do this they must be responsible and make sure all is clean and tidy when they leave and the building is locked.
Discussion of budget proposals for introduction to the membership at the Annual Meeting in April.
Further discussion of the role of the TCAC board for clarification to members of the role of the board versus the responsibilities of individual meetings.
Dave presented copies of the board responsibilities for board members to critique and offer their suggestions and ideas. Board members are to send their comments to Dave J.
We will further discuss this document during our January meeting.
Motion to provide NARCAN dispensers in the cabinet with the defibrillator was approved.
April will laminate the directions and signage will indicate where to find the NARCAN.
In any health crisis the first response is always to call 911.
April reported that the issue of parking in the Community Center lot has improved.
April requested that smaller pellets of ice melt be purchased…Fred agreed to follow up.
Fred asked – on behalf of NA – that an additional meeting time be allowed.
Agreement on 7:30-8:30 p.m. either Tuesday or Thursday….after the meeting is established it will be added to the website and the GH Community Calendar.
The topic of the building being unlocked all night on separate occasions was discussed.
Several directors agreed to reach out to the 6:00 meeting group to remind them to lock the building when they leave.
A request for a ‘Back to Basics’ meeting was approved for four weeks in January.
Monday – 7:30-8:30 p.m. Exact dates to be confirmed in January.
Adjournment – 7:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Joan R., Secretary
Next scheduled meeting: 1.17.23
Meeting called to order: 6:00 p.m. Dave, Vice President
In Attendance: Dave J., Cathy, Kerry, April, Steve Z., Steve G., Greg, Chad, Ken
Absent w/notice: Joan, Vince, Fred
Absent w/out notice:
Secretary’s Report: Steve G., Acting Secretary
Minutes from Oct. 18 meeting
Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Kerry M., Treasurer
Financial statements as of Oct. 31
Checking $ 3,865.85
Savings $ 6,338.49
Total $ 10,251.68
Contributions $ 3,048.30
Expenses $ 3,095.64
Net $ - 47.34
Treasurer’s Report approved.
· A review and comparison of annual reports for 2017 – 2019 will be completed by Kerry and distributed to the Board for review and planning purposes.
Building and Grounds Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Vince, Chad, Greg
1. Pest control, skunks under handicap ramp. Suggestion to monitor situation and report to the board for follow-up as needed.
2. Supplies and expenses – budget review in progress. Handle added to handicap door.
3. Snow removal contract for 2022-23 – confirmed.
Public Relations/Membership April, Steve G., Kerry
Memberships: April reported 61 current for 2022-23; membership drive continues at each meeting.
Special Events April, Joan, Ken, Kerry, Cathy
(See new business item #4)
1. Audio microphone system. Fund raising is active, with $2,000 in-hand reported by Kerry.
2. Dave suggested we establish a spending budget to be presented and discussed at the Annual Meeting in April. This will help us plan for known expenses and desired projects and inform the membership of our plans and to receive their input. Dave will continue to manage this. Discussion continues next month.
3. Dave wrote the start of a list of what the Board does and does not dofor the information of the membership. He distributed his draft list to board members present and requested input and feedback. He will also send to those who were absent. Discussion to continue next month.
1. Request submitted for permission to have a Friendsgiving event Sunday, Nov. 20, 5-7 p.m. at the club. Members attending the event will be reminded to clean up before leaving. Possible time conflict with previous meeting was resolved by Steve Z. Request approved.
2. Discussion of the need for NARCAN (naloxone) nasal spray dispensers in the room for the emergency treatment of opioid overdose, to be located in or near the resuscitation unit on the wall and labeled with appropriate instructions. Dave will research information, availability, and details and report to the board next month.
3. April mentioned the need for annual furnace check coming up in January.
4. Discussion of whether to have annual chili/soup cook-off in February. Tabled until next meeting.
Adjournment – 6:46 p.m. Dave, Vice President
Respectfully submitted:
Steve G., Acting Secretary
Next scheduled meeting: 12.19.2022
Meeting called to order: 6:00 p.m. Steve G., President
In Attendance: Dave J., Joan, Kerry, April, Steve Z., Vince, Steve G., Fred, Greg, Chad
Absent w/notice: Ken
Absent w/o notice: Cathy
Secretary’s Report: Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from September 20, 2022
Minutes read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Kerry M., Treasurer
Financial statements as of Sept. 30
Checking $ 3,913.46
Savings $ 6,338.22
Total $ 10,251.68
Contributions $ 1,560.01
Expense $ 1,378.43
Net $ 181.58
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
1. Movement of bank accounts to a credit union now complete.
2. The authority to use our credit card is extended to April and Kerry only.
3. Our prudent reserve, used to fund the now completed projects, will be replenished through regular meeting contributions, additional voluntary contributions, and annual membership fees which will increase to $25 on Jan. 1, 2023.
4. A three-month comparison of financial reports will be included in the monthly minutes.
Building and Grounds Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Vince, Chad, Greg
1. April requested that a board member take over the purchasing supplies. Dave volunteered. Vince and Greg offered their assistance.
2. Supplies and expenses – budget review next meeting
3. Snow removal contract for 2022-23 to be reviewed and confirmed. (Bill Brolick)
Public Relations/Membership April, Steve G., Kerry
Proposal was made and passed to increase the annual membership from $20 to $25.
Memberships through 2022 will continue to be $20, good through 2023. Memberships, new and renewed, as of Jan. 1, 2023 will be $25.
Special Events April, Joan, Ken, Kerry, Cathy
Gratitude Dinner – October 15, 2022 120 - 130 attendees; Budget to be reviewed for 2023
1. Audio microphone system for hearing loop. Hearing and Wellness Center has proposed donating a portion of the cost of this system to benefit hearing impaired visitors to the club who use hearing aids. Vince volunteered to head a committee to solicit donations from the members for the remaining portion of the installation, not to exceed $3,000, which would result in no additional cost to the club. Once the full amount in contributions has been received, not just promised, the project can proceed.
Coffee cup research
2. Motion to purchase paper coffee cups currently being used, cost $.20/cup. Although this is a way to be more environmentally responsible as a club, it is a substantial increase over the Styrofoam cups we have been using, cost $.08/cup. Members and meeting attendees will be encouraged to bring and use their own cups to help reduce the need for disposable cups.
1. The Board acknowledged resignation of Jenn R. and confirmation of Greg W.
2. AA women’s group requested use of the back room for a Back to Basics meeting on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Unanimous approval.
3. Steve Z. requested authorization to host an AA Workshop in February 2023.
Unanimous approval. Date and time to be determined in February.
4. Fred requested authorization to hold a weekly Back to Basics meeting. Unanimous approval. Date and time to be determined.
5. Dave requested we establish a spending budget to be presented and discussed at the Annual Membership Meeting. Discussion tabled.
6. Dave requested we confirm and post the role of the board for the benefit of the membership. This would clarify some of the confusion around board responsibility and meeting responsibility regarding decisions and disputes. Discussion tabled.
Adjournment – 7:05 p.m. Steve G., President
Respectfully submitted:
Joan R., Secretary
Next scheduled meeting: 11.15.2022
Meeting called to order: 6:00 p.m. by David.
In Attendance: Dave J., Joan, Kerry, April, Steve Z., Cathy, Vince
Absent w/notice: Jennifer, Steve G., Fred, Ken, Chad
Secretary’s Report:
Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from August 16, 2022
Secretary’s Minutes read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Kerry M., Treasurer
Checking $ 4,565.96
Savings $ 5,714.08
Total $10,280.04
Income $ 3,721.26
Expense $ 2,619.89
Net Income $ 1,101.37
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
Moving our bank accounts is midway to completion.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Vince, Chad
Women’s bathroom toilet issue is resolved.
Sewer/Paving fundraising campaign is now complete…striping for three parking spots for handicapped vehicles and three non-handicapped.
Motion to dissolve the fundraising campaign passed unanimously.
Outstanding pledge amounts cannot be collected at this time…and are forgiven.
Prudent reserve used to fund the project to be replenished using regular contributions.
Public Relations/Membership:
April, Steve G., Kerry,
Current 2022 membership to date – 147
Beginning in November 2023 memberships will be promoted.
Special Events April, Joan, Ken, Kerry, Cathy
Gratitude Dinner – October 15, 2022
Tent and caterer confirmed.
Audio microphone system for hearing loop…
Tabled until the October meeting.
Coffee cup research…
Tabled until the October meeting.
Additional information needed to make a decision on the most economical paper cup.
Unapproved expenditures.
Treasurer/Kerry – Unapproved expenditures will not be reimbursed.
Emergency situations requiring immediate expenditures can be authorized via email.
Further discussion tabled until the October meeting.
April suggested that her long standing $300 limit (over and above normal cleaning supplies) be reduced to $150. Unanimous approval.
She did request approval to purchase two box fans and a hand held small vacuum cleaner; which she will purchase using her $150/monthly as needed allowance. Unanimous approval.
New dog signs (Dave) will be ready and available soon.
Proposal to add the Al-Anon Declaration near the AA Declaration on the club wall unanimously approved.
Olmsted Signs will have the plaque finished and properly installed within 2-3 weeks.
(Joan – 9.21.22)
Adjournment – 6:45 p.m. Dave J., Vice-President
Respectfully submitted:
Joan R., Secretary
Next scheduled meeting: 10.18.2022
Meeting called to order: 6:00 p.m. Steve G., President, David J., Vice-President
In Attendance: Vince, Dave Fred, Chad, Ken, April, Steve Z., Steve G., Jenn, Kerry, Cathy
Absent w/notice: Joan
Guest: Bob W., Unity Group
Secretary’s Report
In Joan’s absence, Secretary’s report was read by Steve G for July meeting minutes. Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Kerry M., Treasurer
Treasurer’s report for July was read by Kerry.
Checking: $ - 364.73
Savings: $ 11,349.20
Expenses: $ 1,938.94
Net income: $ 1,325.84
Other assets: $ 26,191.27
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
Kerry was asked to research and switch banks to reduce monthly fees.
Committee Reports
Building and Grounds Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Vince, Chad
Sewer Repair and Driveway/Parking Lot Repaving Project
Fundraising Committee: Vince, Steve Z., Fred, Dave, Chad, - Consultants Jim K., Kevin D.
Fundraising Status: $26,000 raised on $31,000 cost. Board approved asking for additional donations to cover the amount deducted from general fund.
New Business
Bob from Unity Group presented a proposal from the Hearing Wellness Center to the board for adding a hearing loop to aid those with hearing disabilities. The total cost of such a system would be nearly $11,000, but the company who sells it is interested in helping non-profits by donating the loop portion, leaving the cost of installation and mics to the board of $2,911.84. There was much debate on whether this would violate the 7th tradition and appear to be a sponsorship or advertising agreement. A committee was formed to come up with a counter offer to present back to the vendor that would stay within our guidelines and be acceptable to all. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
Unfinished Business
Dave presented a response to Chad’s legal argument as to why therapy dogs should not be allowed in the club. After much discussion a majority of the board then voted the club would modify our policy to allow ADA-certified Service Dogs only. Signage stating the new policy was also discussed.
Motion to go into closed session to discuss confidential business. Approved.
Return to open session.
Remaining Agenda items tabled until next meeting.
Adjournment – 7:15 p.m. Steve G., President
Respectfully submitted:
Vince, Acting Secretary
Next meeting: September 20, 2022
Meeting called to order: 6:00 p.m. Steve G., President, David J., Vice-President
In Attendance: Dave J., Fred, Joan, Steve G., Chad, Ken, Kerry
Absent w/notice: Jennifer, Vince, April, Cathy, Steve Z.
Secretary’s Report:
Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from June 21, 2022
Secretary’s Minutes read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Kerry M., Treasurer
Checking $ 26,226.89
Savings $ 15,713.67
Total $ 41,940.56
Income $ 22,023.50
Expense $ 2,862.90
Net Income $ 19,160.86
($26,445.00 raised for the Driveway/Sewer Repair Project)
Special thank you to Kerry for her diligence in collecting donations daily and maintaining this fund.)
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds:
Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Vince, Chad
Driveway/Parking Lot Restoration and Repair Project
Fundraising Committee: Vince, Steve Z., Fred, Dave J., Chad, - Consultants – Jim K., Kevin D.
Amount raised to date - $26,445.00 – several outstanding pledges may still be coming in.
Official fundraising has stopped.
The project, scheduled for the week of July 18, 2022 is on time and within budget.
Completion date, weather permitting, July 22, 022.
Following completion, and within the next one to two weeks, the landscaping will be complete.
Fred volunteered to follow up on the cleaning of our heating/cooling system ductwork.
Public Relations/Membership:
April, Steve G., Kerry,
Current 2022 membership to date – 154+
Special Events April, Joan, Ken, Kerry, Cathy
Annual Picnic – Saturday, August 13, 2022 – Rycenga Park.
Gratitude Dinner – October 15, 2022
Revised Articles of Incorporation have been registered the State of Michigan.
A $60 fee has been paid. Going forward we will renew annually.
Certified Therapy/Service Dog Policy:
The topic of our decision which was adopted in March 2022 was revisited. Chad presented his research and report regarding possible liabilities to the club and consequences of our policy that we had not previously considered. Dave gave a review of the information which he had presented at the March 2022 meeting. Considering that nearly half of the board could not attend the meeting, a motion was made and approved to revisit the issue at the August meeting.
Non-recyclable coffee cup issue.
The board revisited our decision earlier this year to continue using disposable Styrofoam coffee cups vs. more environmentally responsible options. Following a detailed report and presentation by Dave, discussion centered on cost comparisons and environmental impacts. Dave will bring samples of different cup options to our next meeting; Kerry will present cost and usage of coffee cups. A motion was made and approved to table the discussion until the August meeting. In the meantime, a motion was made and approved to discontinue purchasing Styrofoam foam cups.
Adjournment – 7:06 p.m. Steve G., President
Respectfully submitted:
Joan R., Secretary
Next scheduled meeting: August 16, 2022
Meeting called to order: 6:00 p.m. Steve G., President, David J., Vice-President
In Attendance: Steve Z., Dave J., Vince, April, Joan, Steve G., Cathy, Chad, Ken, Kerry
Absent w/notice: Jennifer, Fred
Secretary’s Report:
Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from May 17, 2022
Read and Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Kerry M., Treasurer
Checking $ 7,066.29
Savings $ 15,713.41
Total $ 22,779.70
Income $ 5,936.05
Expense $ 3,096.23
Net Income $ 2,839.82
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds:
Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Vince, Chad
Driveway/Parking Lot Restoration and Repair project
Fundraising Committee: Vince, Steve Z., Fred, Dave, Chad, Consultants – Jim K., Kevin D.
Approximate amount raised to date - $25,600.00 which is enough to begin project, scheduled for week of July 18, 2022 with completion July 21-22, 2022 weather permitting.
Fundraising deadline June 30, 2022; additional contributions will always be accepted.
Public Relations/Membership:
April, Steve G., Kerry,
Current 2022 membership to date – 154
Special Events April, Joan, Ken, Kerry, Cathy
Annual Picnic – Saturday, August 13, 2022 – Rycenga Park.
As the date comes closer the details will be finalized.
Gratitude Dinner – October 15, 2022
Revised Articles of Incorporation will be registered with the State of Michigan.
Payment of $60 fee will restore our status to active. Annual renewal will be maintained in the future.
Certified Therapy/Service Dog policy:
A few complaints have led to reevaluation of our policy decision in March 2022. Issues include Club liability in case of animals attacking meeting attendees or causing damage to the premises as well as allergy and safety concerns. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
Voting calls on board issues via email will not be made by the president or any board member unless an immediate and serious emergency occurs.
Big Book Study Mike S. requested permission to hold a Big Book Study in the back room on the following dates….July 12, 13, 14 – 6:30-8:30 p.m. Unanimous approval.
Request from a few members for increased air circulation in the back room. Vince will investigate and attempt to make a system adjustment for better ventilation.
Adjournment – 7:15 p.m. Steve G., President
Respectfully submitted:
Joan R., Secretary
Next scheduled meeting: July 19, 2022
Meeting called to order: 6:00 p.m.
Steve G., President, David J., Vice-President
In Attendance: Steve Z., Dave J., Fred W., Vince, April, Joan, Steve G., Cathy, Chad, Ken
Absent w/notice: Jennifer, Kerry
Secretary’s Report:
Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from April 19, 2022
Read and Approved
Treasurer’s Report:
Kerry M., Treasurer
Checking $ 2,226.77
Savings $ 17,713.11
Income $ 2,121.08
Expense $ 3,266.06
Net Income $ -1,144.98
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
Committee Reports
Building and Grounds:
Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Vince, Chad
Front railing repair/replacement
Dave Z. repaired and repainted both the front and back porches. $300.
Coffee maker for front room.
Original order cancelled. New coffee maker ordered, received and installed.
Hand rails
Installed in both restrooms. (Dave Z.)
Driveway/Parking Lot
Vince has done substantial research…
Consultations with Jim K/club member/civil engineer.
Solicited quotes from three concrete companies
Consulted with Downs Drain Cleaning
Fred requested and received a deposit refund ($500) from original company contacted.
After much discussion a motion was made to create a committee to continue to investigate options…and organizing fundraising for the project.
Sewer/Driveway – Fundraising Committee:
Vince, Steve Z., Fred, Dave J., Chad, - Consultants – Jim K., Kevin D.
Sewer line will need to be replaced – from building to connection to city sewer.
It is logical to complete this step first, prior to repaving. Estimated cost to replace sewer line and repave driveway - $30,000. Fund raising options to be explored.
The committee will report at our next meeting.
Public Relations/Membership:
April, Steve G., Kerry,
Current 2022 membership to date – 150
Tuesday and Thursday NA meetings have consistent attendance.
GH Tribune to be contacted to add these meetings to the Community Calendar (Joan)
Special Events April, Joan, Ken, Kerry, Cathy
Annual Picnic – Saturday, August 13, 2022 – Rycenga Park.
As the date comes closer the details will be finalized.
Gratitude Dinner – October 15, 2022
Tent and chairs reserved – The Tent Chick - $595.
Caterer confirmed, menu similar to 2021.
TCAC corporate non-profit status had been suspended by the State of Michigan due to a lapse in the annual renewal of our compliance documents. Steve G. will update our Articles of Incorporation and By Laws to include NA meetings to be allowed at the club; and, with assistance from Chad and Kevin, register the documents and pay the fees to restore our status. To be completed prior to our next scheduled board meeting.
AA District Meeting held at the club Sunday, May 1, 2022 – 1:30 -3:00 p.m. went well.
Members’ personal bulletin board concerns…addressed.
Adjournment – 6:50 p.m. Steve G., President
Respectfully submitted: Joan R., Secretary
Next scheduled meeting: June 21, 2022
Prior to the start of our monthly meeting we welcomed Bob and John-representatives of NA (Narcotics Anonymous). Short introduction of the NA program. Available meeting time slots were discussed and a liaison committee – Steve Z. and Chad – was formed to navigate their transition and to provide board member support.
Call to Order
Meeting called to order: Steve G., President, David J., Vice-President
In Attendance: Steve Z., Dave J., Fred W., Vince, April, Joan, Steve G., Kerry, Cathy, Jen, Chad
Absent w/notice: Ken
Secretary’s Report: Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from March 15, 2022
Minutes from April 16, 2022 (annual meeting)
Treasurer’s Report: Kerry M., Treasurer
Checking $ 3,262.76
Savings $ 17,712.81
Total $ 20,975.57
Income $ 4,050.58 (includes $2,000 from Unity Group)
Expense $ 2,498.17
Net Income $ 1,561.41
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Vince, Chad
Picnic Table: Fred will order the two brackets needed for repair.
Spring Cleanup: Group effort scheduled for Saturday, April 23, 2022
Driveway Repaving: Fred will contact contractor to schedule a date, deposit paid in 2021, and discuss the sinkhole issue to confirm these will be repaired.
Front railing repair/replacement….checking options.
Coffee maker for front room. Ship date continues to be moved out. Latest date is 5.3.22; if it doesn’t ship by that date as promised our order will be cancelled and an alternate will be ordered (at a cost increase).
Environmentally friendly coffee cup issue: Dave will further research options.
Hand rails will be installed (per member requests) in both restrooms.
Public Relations/Membership: April, Steve G., Kerry
Current 2022 membership to date- 148
2022 Picnic Date – scheduled for August 13 – Rycenga Park.
Discussion of annual Gratitude Dinner - possible dates contingent on caterer availability.
Once a date has been confirmed the details will follow.
TCAC Corporate status has been suspended by the State of Michigan due to a lapse in the annual renewal of our compliance documents and required annual fee. Steve G will update our Articles of Incorporation and By Laws to include NA meetings to be allowed at the Club and, with assistance from Chad and Kevin, register the documents and pay the fee to restore our status into compliance.
District Meeting to be held at the club Sunday, May 1, 2022 – 1:30 -3:00 p.m. Several board members will be present.
Newest board members Chad and Jenn were officially welcomed and have been assigned to committees.
Adjournment - 7:00 p.m. Steve G., President
Next scheduled meeting May 17, 2022
Respectfully submitted:
Joan R., Secretary
1. Call to Order: Attendance, Approval of Agenda Steve G., President
Club members present: 30. Total paid membership to date: 142
2. Secretary’s report Joan
· Steve G. summarized the meeting minutes from last year October 2021 through March 15, 2022 highlighting the major events: Picnic, Gratitude Dinner, Issues resolved – Allowing certified therapy dogs in the building during meetings, major expenses *furnace $5,056.50. Joan read the Annual Meeting Minutes from the October 16, 2021 meeting.
Report accepted.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Kerry
December January February
Savings $12,712.13 $12,712.35 $12,712.55
Checking. $ 4,553.00 $ 5,690.04 $ 6,551.61
Income: $ 2,884.46 $ 2,874.82 $ 2,521.54
Expenses: $ 6,981.99 $ 1,590.36 $ 1,699.77
Net Income ($ 4,097.53) $ 1,284.46 $ 821.77
Report accepted.
*Private donations in response to the emergency furnace replacement have more than exceeded the original cost of the furnace. Special thank you to all involved.
4. Building and Grounds Ken, Steve Z, Fred, Kevin, Vince
· The City of Grand Haven has inspected our water line. Next scheduled inspection 2026.
· The driveway is scheduled to be repaved this spring.
· Spring outside cleanup is scheduled for Saturday – April 23, 2022
· A new (quieter) coffee maker is on order for the front room.
· Special acknowledgement to Fred for acquiring donations. (new carpet cleaner among other things).
Report accepted
5. Special Events April, Joan, Kathy H, Kerry, Ken, Cathy
· Gratitude Dinner-changed menu in 2021…Feedback and/or suggestions for our 2022 Gratitude Dinner are welcomed.
· 2022 Summer Picnic is scheduled for August 2022.
· A Game Night is currently scheduled for every other Friday evening following the 6:00 meeting. Well attended.
· Suggestions are welcome for ideas to promote fellowship.
Report accepted.
6. Speaker Meetings Steve Z
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
9. Proposal to amend the Articles of Incorporation and ByLaws to allow NA(Narcotics Anonymous) meetings at the Alano Club.
Discussion…Thirty members present in addition to ten board members.
Issues raised: space for literature, meeting time to be determined.
Board replies: These details are contingent on whether or not the proposal is approved. Proposal is limited to NA meetings only.
Additional comments (summary):
…did the ‘old timers’ intend for us to exclude NA as the need for this is now apparent.
…Other area clubs allow 12 step recovery group meetings not limited to AA and Alanon.
…Increase in opiate addiction…sharing of tragic personal experiences as related to drugs.
…Addiction is Addiction is Addiction…’love and tolerance is our creed’.
…20% of meeting attendees are cross addicted.
...drug use statistics
…safe place for recovery for all.
After everyone who wished to speak was given the opportunity, open discussion was closed by the president. Call for proposal voting by anonymous ballot.
8. Voting (four director positions)
Board members (all terms 2 ½ years)
Name Votes
Steve Z 56
Jen, Chad, Ken 35 each
Greg, Karen 27 each
Kevin, Kelly 21 each
The proposal passed with a vote of 37 in favor and 3 opposed.
The board will meet with NA meeting representative(s) to schedule meeting and address issues.
The Board wishes to thank Kathy H. and Kevin for their service as they step down.
The Board congratulates returning directors and welcomes our newest directors.
The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be Tuesday, April 19, 2022.
9. ADJOURNMENT Steve G., President
Officially adjourned at 3:53 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joan R., Secretary
Meeting called to order – 6:00 p.m. Steve G, President
Roll Call:
Present: Kathy H., Steve Z., Dave J., Fred W., Kevin V., April A., Joan R., Steve G.,
Absent w/notice: Kerry M., Vince, Ken, Cathy
Secretary’s Report: Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from February 15, 2022
Meeting minutes read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Kerry M., Treasurer
Financial Report as of Feb. 28, 2022
Checking $ 6,511.61
Savings $12,712.55
Income $ 2,521.54
Expense $ 1,699.77
Net Income $ 821.77
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Kevin, Vince
Picnic Table: Fred accepted responsibility for installing a new bracket, thanks Fred.
Spring Cleanup: Fred volunteered to organize an outdoor spring cleanup…Eye Opener Group
Driveway Repaving: Fred will contact contractor to schedule a date…deposit paid in 2021.
…and discuss the sinkhole issue to confirm these will be repaired.
Public Relations: April, Steve, Steve, Kathy
Current 2022 membership to date - 142
2022 Picnic Date – Kathy will contact SL to reserve Rycenga Park for our annual picnic.
Kevin reported…
TCAC Corporate status has been dissolved by the State of Michigan due to a lapse in the annual renewal of our non-profit status. Kevin suggested that it will be easy to bring ‘us’ up-to-date.
Decision is to wait until after our Annual Meeting when we will discuss and vote on allowing NA to meet in the building and we will add that to our Articles of Incorporation.
Service/Therapy Dog Policy
Discussion of the difference between a service vs. therapy dog…will we allow them at meetings? Decision was to remove signage pertinent to pets/dogs and handle this issue on an individual basis with board approval.
Request for NA meeting:
Membership will vote on this at our annual meeting in April.
Speaker Meeting:
Board member received a complaint on content of speaker’s story.
Steve Z. suggested referring the ‘complainer’ to him.
Coffee Maker:
Unanimous approval for the purchase of a new coffee maker for the front room.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2022.
Steve G. and Kevin will work together to draft the agenda for this meeting and
the proposal to amend our by-laws.
Adjournment - 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Joan R., Secretary
Next monthly meeting: April 19, 2022
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Dave J. In the absence of President Steve G.
PRESENT: April, Cathy C., Kathy H., Dave, Fred, Vince, Steve Z., Kevin, Kerrie
Reading of previous meeting’s minutes.
Secretary’s report approved
Financial statements January 2022
Checking $5,690.04
Savings 12,712.35
Income 2,874.82
Expenses 1,590.36
Net income 1,284.46
Treasurer’s report approved
The picnic table has been damaged and will need to be repaired.
There was discussion on installing an air filtration system in the building. A vote was taken and the board will not pursue this issue further.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: We currently have 120 paid memberships. All board members should encourage meeting attendees to join.
Cathy C. Has been working on finding out is our By-Laws are registered with the State. Kevin volunteered to research further.
April reports that coffee supplies are still going quickly but in a more sporadic manner.
Our Club website domain will be renewed for three years at the end of April.
An NA group has requested use of TCAC for a regularly scheduled meeting. To allow these meetings, the by-laws will need to be modified to include NA. Approval will need to be voted on by the members at the annual meeting April 16, 2022.
Meeting closed at 7:10.
Kathy H., acting secretary.
Meeting called to order – 6:03 p.m. Steve G, President
Roll Call:
In Attendance:
Steve G., Kathy H., Steve Z., Kerry M., Joan R., Dave J., Fred W., Vince D.,
Absent w/notice: Kevin, April A. Cathy C.
Absent w/o notice: Ken N.
Secretary’s Report: Joan R., Secretary
Minutes from December 21, 2021
Meeting minutes read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report Kerry M., Treasurer
Financial Report
January Year-to-Date
Checking $ 4,553.00
Savings $12,712.13
Income $ 2,884.46 $ 25,693.10
Expense $ 6,981.99 $ 27,416.04
Net Income - $ 4,097.53 - $ 1,722.94
Treasurer’s Report read and approved.
Domain ( to be renewed for five years - $190.00
Discussion regarding our prudent reserve… (funds reduction due to new furnace purchase)
Several private donations have been received thus far totaling $669.00
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Ken, Steve Z., Fred, Kevin, Vince
Installation of the Serenity Prayer: …April to follow up with Ron O. for a completion date.
Furnace service:
Furnace is warrantied fully for three years; after the warranty expires we can schedule an annual inspection. Annual filter replacement is necessary.
GH Water Line Inspection: The lines passed city inspection; next inspection will be in five years.
Picnic Table: Damaged-possibly by the snow removal.
Public Relations April, Steve, Steve, Kathy
Chili/Soup Cook Off event…. Revisit late 2022
Current 2022 membership to date - 76
Memberships will continue to be promoted and encouraged.
Community Calendar – Grand Haven Tribune
The Tribune was contacted and it has been confirmed that the M, W, F, S. 6:00 p.m. meetings are listed. Once attendance is consistent at the Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 time slot the tribune, as well our website, will be updated. Joan will check that the noon Saturday AA meeting is being printed in the community calendar, if not, she will contact the Tribune and have that meeting included.
TCAC by-laws updated in 2016…Cathy is in the process of verifying if they have been registered with the State of Michigan. Thank you Cathy.
Coffee and supply theft issue: Discussion of options… Purchase of smaller canisters, refilling of canisters more frequently…continued monitoring….
Air Purifier
Vince presented two options and explained their differences.
It was decided to appoint a committee to gather information and report back in February.
Committee: Steve Z., Vince D., Dave J. Thank you Vince.
Meeting adjourned: 6:52 p.m. Steve G.
Respectfully submitted:
Joan R., Secretary
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